As we all are familiar with the Black fungus and White fungus and we are struggling to how to get rid of this, within no time a new fungus has found in Ghaziabad which is named White Fungus.
What is Yellow Fungus?
Before knowing about the Yellow fungus first we should know what is fungus? A group of spore-producing organisms are known as fungus. Which will have an effect on the internal organs, And coming to this Black fungus and White fungus they are named on the basis of their color. Similarly, Yellow fungus is named as the fungus which is present in the body is a yellowish color.
Symptoms of Yellow Fungus:
As of now Sudden weight loss, lethargy, low appetite or no appetite are considered as the signs of yellow fungus, And we can consider this as more dangerous than the white and black fungus as it has very bad effects which are mentioned below.
Effects of Yellow Fungus:
The yellow fungus will reduce our healing power, So wounds will not be cured fastly and Yellow fungus results in sunken eyes and organ failure which may lead to Necrosis. Yellow fungus is a fatal disease and it will affect internally on the internal organs doctors suggest getting medical treatment for the people with the symptoms of yellow fungus.
Treatment for Yellow Fungus:
Right now doctors using Amphotericin B injection as a treatment for Yellow Fungus. which is an anti-fungal drug.
Also read : Symptoms of Black fungus and how and where you can get treatment.
To be precise there is no information about how it has an adverse effect on covid patients scientist are started their research regarding the yellow fungus.